(At Patricia's New Address. Directions Below.)
The Ultimate Networking Opportunity. Great Food And Wine. Conviviality. Speaker After the Cocktail. You Always Meet New And Interesting People!MAKE CONTACTS: FOR BUSINESS, CAREER OPPORTUNITIES, SELF-DEVELOPMENT. SOCIALIZING.Wednesday 1 November At 18h30 Our guest of honor will be:
Lorin Kalisky
Franglo.com Founder“e-Marketing Tips & Techniques”
.It has become a cliché, but it is true that the internet has changed everything. Today, armed with a website and a small budget, it is possible to market your product or service much more effectively than ever before. The internet provides powerful tools for marketers, butalso a tyranny of choice and sometimes overwhelming complexity. Franglo founder and e-marketing expert Lorin Kalisky has worked in high-tech, Web development, and electronic marketing for as almost as long as there has been an internet - in both Paris and in the San Francisco Bay Area. If you don't already know about Franglo, you should... it's a "Paris-based" community web service that lets you read and post classified ads for free. In just a year's time, Franglo has become the premiere online community "for people who speak English and live Français". In addition to his work with Franglo, Lorin has helped dozens of companies and organizations more effectively market their products and services, and increase their revenues using the internet. For more information about Franglo, visit http://www.franglo.com. To contact Lorin, email lorin@kalisky.orgADDRESS:
Chez Patricia: 13 rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris. Metro: Sentier (line 3). Take the rue des Petits Carreaux exit (very important). Cross rue Reamur. The street on the left should be rue des Petits Carreaux. Walk 2 blocks up on rue des Petits Carreaux. You’ll face an HSBC branch . (There’s Café Honoré on the right). That’s rue de Clery. Make a short left (30 seconds) onto rue de Clery and then immediately a right onto rue de Mulhouse.
PARTICIPATION:15 Euros in an envelope and lots of business cards (one for Patricia. Some to exchange with others).GREAT FOOD AND WINE RESERVATIONS PLEASEPatricia's Tel: 01 43 26 12 88 E-mail: parisnetwork@hotmail.comMARK YOUR CALENDARSParis Soirees Dinners Every Sunday At 18h30.
Sunday 5 November at 18h30 Author Jake Lamar ”Ghosts of Saint-Michel”
Sunday 12 November at 18h30. Author Dale Gershwin’s Erotic Novel: “Our Lady”(Dale Gershwin is the pen name of Parisian Shari Segall)Every Wednesday at 18h30: PARIS NETWORKING COCKTAILUnsurpassed Networking opportunities. Socializing. Great food and wine. Contact PatriciaWednesday 1 November At 18h30: Franglo.com Founder Lorin Kalisky: “e-Marketing Tips & Techniques.”Wednesday 8 November At 18h30: Patricia Gallo-Lavalée: “Designing The Perfect Web Page That Does It All For You”.Wednesday 15 November At 18h30: Writer Patricia Westheimer: “How To Write For Business”PARIS SOIREES EVENTSPatricia is proud to have a 21st Century Parisian Salon. Our mission is to simply enlarge your circle of acquaintances in a safe and stimulating atmosphere while promoting Cultural Achievement, The New Age and Paris Personalities. And we have fun! We are THE gathering place for the International Community of Paris. Enjoy! Discuss! Meet new and interesting people. (Patricia Laplante-Collins created Paris Soirees Dinners on Sunday and Paris Networking Cocktail events on Wednesday to bring Americans in Paris together with Ex-pats, hip French and the International Community in a global meet-up. Evenings feature Literary, Art, New Age, Business, African-American and Black Paris themes presented in English. There is an intimate salon atmosphere and the focus is on meeting people in Paris and creating friendships. Patricia is also the founder of African- American Literary Soirees.)Visit our fab website - http://www.parissoirees.com Designed by T. J. Byrne (arty@tombyrne.com ) (See Events & Future Events).http://www.parissoirees.comTap into Parler Paris ... written by Adrian Leeds, a long time resident of Le Marais and an American in Paris for more than 11years, brings you Mondays and Wednesdays an "insider" view on life in Paris with tips on how to maneuver the system for working, living, visiting, and particularly investing in property in Paris and France! Subscribe today: www. Franglo.com is the premiere online community for Anglophones in France and others who want to connect. You can read and post classified ads in dozens of different categories, and it's fast, easy and free to publish your own ads. Visit http://www.franglo.comWeb Site Help....when you want your web site and on-line marketing tools to perform to their best, we have the solutions. Contact Julie Vetter. Check out our portfolio at http://askjv.infoComputer Problems? All PC and Mac repairs. Virus and spyware cleaning, network and Internet installation, data recovery and backup, laptop repairs. Affordable friendly service in Paris, in English. 9 Rue de Liban (Arr 20) Metro: Menilmontant Tel 01 43 58 76 59 email: maintenance@lixao.com www.lixao.com/maintenance (Special Paris Soirees member discount)
Paris Soirees Has A New Address! Patricia is so happy to have such a large apartment that’s full of light for Paris Soirees. The New Flat Is In The Hip Sentier District - Just Up From Bustling Rue Montorgueil And Les Halles. The Directions Are Below.
This Sunday 29 October At 18h30
Our Guest of Honor:
Meredith Mullins Photography
Meredith Mullins is an internationally exhibited photographer from Pacific Grove, California. With a background in television, film, and communications, Ms. Mullins has been a fine art photographer for 33 years. Her work is represented in several publications and is in private collections throughout North America and Europe.
An explorer by nature, she is most well known for her work from her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa. She believes in digging beneath the surface to find the real character of a place and its people.
From Meredith:
I love the rhythms, humor, and spirited characters of a place…It’s all about connection. I introduce myself with my camera, but the resulting relationships last over time.
Meredith has recently published a book of photographs and stories about Paris: In A Paris Moment.
Samples of Reviews:
“Far more intriguing than merely an art book or travel book, this collection of short essays, duotone photographs, and travel notes captures in images and words the essence of the world’s most romantic city.” Metro LA
"This is a wonderful book which seeks not the tourist sites, but those places and faces which illuminate the soul of this great city."Linda Walonen, Bay Books, San Ramon, California
Chez Patricia: 13 rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris. Metro: Sentier (line 3). Take the rue des Petits Carreaux exit (very important). Cross rue Reamur. The street on the left should be rue des Petits Carreaux. Walk 2 blocks up on rue des Petits Carreaux. You’ll face an HSBC branch . (There’s Café Honoré on the right). That’s rue de Clery. Make a short left (30 seconds) onto rue de Clery and then immediately a right onto rue de Mulhouse.
PARTICIPATION:20 Euros. Thanks for having exact change in an envelope with your name outside. Please include your card. GREAT FOOD! International Cuisine. (Southern US, French or other European. Thai. lovingly prepared as always by Patricia)CONFIRMED
RESERVATIONS ARE NECESSARY.If you don’t receive an email confirmation by Sunday, please call Patricia: 01 43 26 12 88E-mail: parissoirees@hotmail.comLooking forward to seeing you on Sunday! Patricia
MARK YOUR CALENDARSParis Soirees Dinners Every Sunday At 18h30.
Sunday 5 November at 18h30 Author Jake Lamar ”Ghosts of Saint-Michel”
Sunday 12 November at 18h30. Author Dale Gershwin’s Erotic Novel: “Our Lady”(Dale Gershwin is the pen name of Parisian Shari Segall)
Every Wednesday at 18h30: PARIS NETWORKING COCKTAILUnsurpassed Networking opportunities. Socializing. Great food and wine. Contact Patricia
Wednesday 1 November At 18h30: Franglo.com Founder Lorin Kalisky: “e-Marketing Tips & Techniques.”
Wednesday 1 November At 18h30: Franglo.com Founder Lorin Kalisky: “e-Marketing Tips & Techniques.”
Wednesday 8 November At 18h30: Patricia Gallo-Lavalée: “Designing The Perfect Web Page That Does It All For You”.
Wednesday 15 November At 18h30: Writer Patricia Westheimer: “How To Write For Business”PARIS SOIREES EVENTSPatricia is proud to have a 21st Century Parisian Salon. Our mission is to simply enlarge your circle of acquaintances in a safe and stimulating atmosphere while promoting Cultural Achievement, The New Age and Paris Personalities. And we have fun! We are THE gathering place for the International Community of Paris. Enjoy! Discuss! Meet new and interesting people. (Patricia Laplante-Collins created Paris Soirees Dinners on Sunday and Paris Networking Cocktail events on Wednesday to bring Americans in Paris together with Ex-pats, hip French and the International Community in a global meet-up. Evenings feature Literary, Art, New Age, Business, African-American and Black Paris themes presented in English. There is an intimate salon atmosphere and the focus is on meeting people in Paris and creating friendships. Patricia is also the founder of African- American Literary Soirees.)Visit our fab website - http://www.parissoirees.com Designed by T. J. Byrne (arty@tombyrne.com) (See Events & Future Events).http://www.parissoirees.com
Tap into Parler Paris ... written by Adrian Leeds, a long time resident of Le Marais and an American in Paris for more than 11years, brings you Mondays and Wednesdays an "insider" view on life in Paris with tips on how to maneuver the system for working, living, visiting, and particularly investing in property in Paris and France! Subscribe today: http://www.parlerparis.com is the premiere online community for Anglophones in France and others who want to connect. You can read and post classified ads in dozens of different categories, and it's fast, easy and free to publish your own ads. Visit http://www.franglo.com
Web Site Help....when you want your web site and on-line marketing tools to perform to their best, we have the solutions. Contact Julie Vetter. Check out our portfolio at http://askjv.info
Computer Problems? All PC and Mac repairs. Virus and spyware cleaning, network and Internet installation, data recovery and backup, laptop repairs. Affordable friendly service in Paris, in English. 9 Rue de Liban (Arr 20) Metro: Menilmontant Tel 01 43 58 76 59 email: maintenance@lixao.com www.lixao.com/maintenance (Special Paris Soirees member discount)
Patricia Laplante-Collins13, rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris, FranceTel: 33 1 43 26 12 88Email: mailto:parissoirees@hotmail.comhttp://www.parissoirees.comhttp://www.parissoirees.com
Paris Soirees Has A New Address! Patricia is so happy to have such a large apartment that’s full of light for Paris Soirees. The New Flat Is In The Hip Sentier District - Just Up From Bustling Rue Montorgueil And Les Halles. The Directions Are Below.
(Dennis will perform on the saxophone and will be followed by performance poets Norma Szokolyai and Antonia Klimenko)RENDEZ VOUS AVEC PATRICIAThis Sunday 22 October At 18h30
Our Guests of Honor:
Dennis Shafer, Saxophonist and Performance Poets Norma Szokolyai and Antonia Klimenko.
Dennis Shafer is a saxophonist of many styles. Founder of the Back Bay Saxophone Quartet and the Skyline Quintet in Boston, Dennis has spent the last two years diversifying and perfecting his musical interests in Paris. Studying with Jean-Michel Goury at the National Regional Conservatory of Boulogne-Billancourt, he has expanded his knowledge and practice of contemporary techniques of the saxophone, while also cultivating new experiences with Egyptian musicians and dancers in Paris.
Dennis teaches all levels of the saxophone as well as beginner flute, piano and clarinet. Email: shaferds@gmail.com
Norma Szokolyai, originally from Connecticut (cum laude from UConn), is a writer, poet and prize winning performance artist. She has won two prizes for her poetry read at the 2004 and the 2005 poetry slam competitions sponsored by SITES, The Contemporary French and Francophone Studies Journal.Antonia Klimenko is a published poet from San Francisco known for her Jazz poem interpretations.
Chez Patricia: 13 rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris. Metro: Sentier (line 3). Take the rue des Petits Carreaux exit (very important). Cross rue Reamur. The street on the left should be rue des Petits Carreaux. Walk 2 blocks up on rue des Petits Carreaux. You’ll face an HSBC branch . (There’s Café Honoré on the right). That’s rue de Clery. Make a short left (30 seconds) onto rue de Clery and then immediately a right onto rue de Mulhouse.
PARTICIPATION:20 Euros. Thanks for having exact change in an envelope with your name outside. Please include your card. GREAT FOOD! International Cuisine. (Southern US, French or other European. Thai. lovingly prepared as always by Patricia)
CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS ARE NECESSARY.If you don’t receive an email confirmation by Sunday, please call Patricia: 01 43 26 12 88E-mail: parissoirees@hotmail.comLooking forward to seeing you on Sunday! Patricia
Paris Soirees Dinners Every Sunday At 18h30.
Sunday 29 October at 18h30. Photographer Meredith Mullins “In A Paris Moment”
Sunday 5 November at 18h30 Author Jake Lamar .”Ghosts of Saint-Michel”
Every Wednesday at 18h30:
Unsurpassed Networking opportunities. Socializing. Great food and wine. Contact Patricia
Wednesday 28 October TBA
Wednesday 1 November At 18h30. Franglo.com Founder Lorin Kalisky: "e-Marketing Tips & Techniques".
Wednesday 15 November At 18h30. Writer Patricia Westheimer: “How To Write For Business”
Patricia is proud to have a 21st Century Parisian Salon. Our mission is to simply enlarge your circle of acquaintances in a safe and stimulating atmosphere while promoting Cultural Achievement, The New Age and Paris Personalities. And we have fun! We are THE gathering place for the International Community of Paris. Enjoy! Discuss! Meet new and interesting people.
(Patricia Laplante-Collins created Paris Soirees Dinners on Sunday and Paris Networking Cocktail events on Wednesday on the Ile St Louis to bring Americans in Paris together with Ex-pats, hip French and the International Community in a global meet-up. Evenings feature Literary, Art, New Age, Business, African-American and Black Paris themes presented in English. There is an intimate salon atmosphere and the focus is on meeting people in Paris and creating friendships. Patricia is also the founder of African- American Literary Soirees.)Visit our fab website - http://www.parissoirees.com Designed by T. J. Byrne (http://tombyrne.com) (See Events & Future Events).http://:www.parissoirees.com Patricia Laplante-Collins13, rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris, FranceTel: 33 1 43 26 12 88Email: parissoirees@hotmail.comhttp://www.parissoirees.com
(We're participating in the Expatica Fair - stand 84 near the entrance. Then there’s the dinner afterwards at the the new apartment)Paris Soirees Has A New Address! Patricia is so happy to have such a large apartment that’s full of light for Paris Soirees. The New Flat Is In The Hip Sentier District- Just Up From Bustling Rue Montorgueil And Les Halles. The Directions Are Below.
This Sunday 15 October At 18h30
Our Guest of Honor:
Jonathan Matsoukis And The American Indian Medicine Wheel
From Jonathan:
I first learned about the American Indian Medecine Wheel about 8 years ago and connected with it right away. It was and still is used by American Indians as a tool and guide to better understand the world and resolve personal or societal issues. Not many people know that the American Political System is actually inspired by the Medecine Wheel. What attracted me to this particular system was its sophistication and yet practical nature. It is both elegant in its design concept and rich in its content. I continue to find it a source of insight and inspiration.
Other than simply being a topic of interest, I intend to share some practical tools from this system that anyone can take home and try on. Please join us in this exploration of a system that so beautifully maps the journey of life.
I was born and raised in Paris and have lived between the US and France all of my life. I now reside in San Francisco, California which I see as a mother ship for new ideas and view points from around the world.
Chez Patricia: 13 rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris. Metro: Sentier (line 3). Take the rue des Petits Carreaux exit (very important). Cross rue Reamur. The street on the left should be rue des Petits Carreaux. Walk 2 blocks up on rue des Petits Carreaux. You’ll face an HSBC branch . (There’s Café Honoré on the right). That’s rue Clery. Make a short left (30 seconds) onto rue Clery and then immediately a right onto rue de Mulhouse.
20 Euros. Thanks for having exact change in an envelope with your name outside. Please include your card. GREAT FOOD! International Cuisine. (Southern US, French or other European. Thai. lovingly prepared as always by Patricia)CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS ARE NECESSARY.If you don’t receive an email confirmation by Sunday, please call Patricia: 01 43 26 12 88E-mail: parissoirees@hotmail.comLooking forward to seeing you on Sunday! Patricia
MARK YOUR CALENDARSParis Soirees Dinners Every Sunday At 18h30.
Sunday 22 October at 18h30 features writer Alice Steinbach.
Every Wednesday at 18h30: PARIS NETWORKING COCKTAILUnsurpassed Networking opportunities. Socializing. Great food and wine. Contact PatriciaPARIS SOIREES EVENTSPatricia is proud to have a 21st Century Parisian Salon. Our mission is to simply enlarge your circle of acquaintances in a safe and stimulating atmosphere while promoting Cultural Achievement, The New Age and Paris Personalities. And we have fun! We are THE gathering place for the International Community of Paris. Enjoy! Discuss! Meet new and interesting people. (Patricia Laplante-Collins created Paris Soirees Dinners on Sunday and Paris Networking Cocktail events on Wednesday on the Ile St Louis to bring Americans in Paris together with Ex-pats, hip French and the International Community in a global meet-up. Evenings feature Literary, Art, New Age, Business, African-American and Black Paris themes presented in English. There is an intimate salon atmosphere and the focus is on meeting people in Paris and creating friendships. Patricia is also the founder of African- American Literary Soirees.)Visit our new website - http://www.parissoirees.com Not yet finished but fab. Designed by T. J. Byrne (arty@tombyrne.com ) (See Events).http://:www.parissoirees.com
Patricia’s Just Moving In Celebration! (Moving in but not yet residing.)(Paris Soirees Has A New Address! This Sunday 8 Oct Is The First Paris Soirees Dinner In Patricia’s New Flat In The Hip Sentier District- Just Up From Rue Montorgueil And Les Halles. The Directions Are Below.)
This Sunday 8 October At 18h30
Our Guests of Honor:
Paul Tannish, Vocalist, Composer, Guitarist And HiC, Tarot Reader
About Paul
Paul will give a concert
Paul’s music is born out of his travels and his own life experiences, relating to love and passion and to common feelings and emotions people all throughout the world share.
He is accomplished guitarist, songwriter and singer. His music covers many different genres and will speak to everyone in a special way.
From HiC
HiC will not give a talk but will be available for Tarot readings
Tarot is a valuable tool offering information and insight into what is happening now in your life in order to be able to have what you need to make decisions and take actions to create your own future you. No question or subject is off limits. Readings can provide insight into current situations, relationships, choices and decisions, your Year Card, your Life Purpose card, etc. I would encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to gain insight into whatever you might be questioning or dealing with in your life right now. And, not to worry, tarot readings are actually FUN and not scary. 8) Please visit http://www.tarotbyhic.com
As a Tarot Counselor, I view each reading as an interactive process between the Universe and the client. I simply serve as the facilitator between the two. Please visit : http://www.tarotbyhic.com
Readings are available in person, if you are in the San Francisco Bay area, and by email: hic@tarotbyhic.com
Chez Patricia: 13 rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris. Metro: Sentier (line 3). Take the rue des Petits Carreaux exit (very important) . Cross rue Reamur. Continue 2 blocks on rue des Petits Carreaux. You’ll face an HSBC branch . That’s rue de Clery. Make a short left (30 seconds) onto rue de Clery and then immediately a right onto rue de Mulhouse.
20 Euros. Thanks for having exact change in an envelope with your name outside. Please include your card. GREAT FOOD! International Cuisine. (Southern US, French or other European. Thai. lovingly prepared as always by Patricia)CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS ARE NECESSARY.If you don’t receive an email confirmation by Sunday, please call Patricia: 01 43 26 12 88E-mail: parissoirees@hotmail.comLooking forward to seeing you on Sunday! Patricia
MARK YOUR CALENDARSParis Soirees Dinners Every Sunday At 18h30.
Every Wednesday at 18h30: PARIS NETWORKING COCKTAILUnsurpassed Networking opportunities. Socializing. Great food and wine. Contact PatriciaPARIS SOIREES EVENTSPatricia is proud to have a 21st Century Parisian Salon. Our mission is to simply enlarge your circle of acquaintances in a safe and stimulating atmosphere while promoting Cultural Achievement, The New Age and Paris Personalities. And we have fun! We are THE gathering place for the International Community of Paris. Enjoy! Discuss! Meet new and interesting people. (Patricia Laplante-Collins created Paris Soirees Dinners on Sunday and Paris Networking Cocktail events on Wednesday on the Ile St Louis to bring Americans in Paris together with Ex-pats, hip French and the International Community in a global meet-up. Evenings feature Literary, Art, New Age, Business, African-American and Black Paris themes presented in English. There is an intimate salon atmosphere and the focus is on meeting people in Paris and creating friendships. Patricia is also the founder of African- American Literary Soirees.)Visit our new website - http://www.parissoirees.com Not yet finished but fab. Designed by T. J. Byrne (arty@tombyrne.com ) (See Events).http://:www.parissoirees.com